Bees dying and vanishing in many countries

Bees and GM-crops: Is this the lethal combination?

Wild Bees Reject Genetically Engineered Crop--Potential Major Impact on Pollination

* Ecological Society of America, Dec 23, 2006

From Ecological Society of America Referring to a Sept. 2004 peer-reviewed article

Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 1S6, Canada

Abstract. The ecological impacts of agriculture are of concern, especially with genetically modified and other intensive, modern cropping systems, yet little is known about effects on wild bee populations and subsequent implications for pollination. Pollination deficit (the difference between potential and actual pollination) and bee abundance were measured in organic, conventional, and herbicide-resistant, genetically modified (GM) canola fields (Brassica napus and B. rapa) in northern Alberta, Canada, in the summer of 2002.

Bee abundance data were collected using pan traps and standardized sweep netting, and pollination deficit was assessed by comparing the number of seeds per fruit from open-pollinated and supplementally pollinated flowers. There was no pollination deficit in organic fields, a moderate pollination deficit in conventional fields, and the greatest pollination deficit in GM fields. Bee abundance was greatest in organic fields, followed by conventional fields, and lowest in GM fields. Overall, there was a strong, positive relationship between bee abundance at sampling locations and reduced pollination deficits. Seed set in B. napus increased with greater bee abundance. Because B. rapa is an obligate outcrossing species, the lack of pollination deficit in the organic (B. rapa) fields likely was due to the high bee abundance rather than a lower dependence of B. rapa on pollinators than B. napus canola. Our study illustrates the importance of wild bees to agricultural production and suggests that some agroecosystems may better sustain wild bee abundance, resulting in greater seed production.

Further research on why some cropping systems, such as genetically modified, herbicide-resistant canola, have low wild bee abundance would be useful for management of agroecosystems to promote sustainability of food production. Key words: agriculture; bees; Brassica rapa; Brassica napus; canola; conventional; genetically modified; organic; pollination; sustainable development.

Manuscript received 3 September 2003; revised 3 September 2004; accepted 8 September 2004. Corresponding Editor: C. R. Linder © Copyright by Ecological Society of America 2005

Informant: binstock


Are GM Crops Killing Bees?

A mysterious decimation of bee populations has German beekeepers worried, while a similar phenomenon in the United States is gradually assuming catastrophic proportions. The consequences for agriculture and the economy could be enormous.


Bees and GM-crops: Is this the lethal combination?
Olle Johanssonn wrote:

Dear All,

Yet another important theory:

Best regards

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm

Dear Olle, Dear All,

Thanks for your message & attachments. Well, sure there is a lot of explanations on those articles. They just forgot to say that maybe the fault is because the sky is blue (well, less with all those airplanes...) or the water is liquid... Sorry, just joking ! More seriously, if we consider the Koblenz study and the one in the attached file untitled: Cell death induced by GSM 900-MHz and DCS 1800-MHz mobile telephony radiation? by Dimitris J. Panagopoulos & col. [ ]we should reach the same conclusion. That means that we all die soon, from the bottom to the top of the chain. Ostrich (which could be the symbol of all our politicians) will die in blindness. But how humans will support his own disappearance ? Take care !

Best Regards

Philippe Hug
Chairman of ARA CP 17
CH 1454 L'Auberson

Dear Philippe,

"But how humans will support his own disappearance ?" That is exactly the question I have been asking myself for the last 30 years!

Best regards
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm

Hi All,

Der Spiegel International Article - Are GM crops killing bees - is attached.,1518,473166,00.html

Best regards,

Hi Margaret, Hi All !

It's seems that the Koblenz study is unknown, so I sent it to you in attached file.

This study shows that a simple DECT phone under a beehive has a catastrophic result! We all have to rouse every people about that! Regarding the article in the Spiegel, I conclude that all around the world, people are not looking in the right direction, because they are looking either for chemical causes or GM cause. If GM is largely spread in USA, it is not the case in Germany (0,06 %), nor in Switzerland and France where the bees problematic is the same. And chemical are less employed. We just have to stop EMF. Quick! One year more and it will be too late! If people don't care about their own health, maybe they will about bees and consequently the humanity! I suggest we all have to think about a letter we have to write and send to our mutual Government, with a copy to the media! Mayday, mayday, mayday! Please do some!

Best Regards.
Philippe Hug

Re: Der Spiegel International Article - Are GM crops killing bees

Dear Don, Dear All !

Unfortunately, I haven't an English version of the study and I only have a pdf version of it. Nevertheless, I can give you this abstract:

2 beehives were not exposed and 2 beehives were exposed with a DECT phone. They catch 25 bees in all beehives and released them 800 meters away. On the non exposed beehives, 16 & 17 bees came back after respectively 28 & 32 minutes. On the exposed ones, only 6 came back after 38 minutes and the other beehive were totally deserted ! An other fact is that on the exposed beehives, there were 21 % less of cells construction in the frames of the beehive after 9 days. Unfortunately, there is no explanation. Just FACTS ! Do we really have to wait to get the formal evidence? In Science, nothing is never proved. That the accumulation of studies and evidences who could reach something plausible or possible. But do we really have the time to wait for a confirmation of the Science which can take several years before acting, if the humanity disappear before the results ???

Be the way, if somebody understand German (I do not), he can visit this website:
[English machine translation under: ]

Keeping bees seems not possible at 2000 uW/m2, it means 0,87 V/m.

We all know that bees are one of the best kind of bio-indicator. If they disappear, the humanity will follow in the 4 or 5 years. Isn't it wonderful? WE HAVE TO ACT NOW! ANYBODY OWNING A MOBILE PHONE HAS TO CANCEL IT ! NOW ! Again, I repeat: Mayday, mayday, mayday... Please do some !

Philippe Hug
Chairman of ARA Switzerland

RE: Der Spiegel International Article - Are GM crops killing bees

We already have the Koblenz study and Dr. Warnke promised to give me the phone numbers of the researchers. I have to speak to them asap. I am in total agreement with Philippe Hug. The bees need to be our priority. I have seen this coming for quite some years now and everyone laughed at me when I voiced my fears regarding the bees and the birds. It now seems that my nightmare is coming true. Let's not be mislead by reports of other possible causes. I am alerting UK government ministers and defra. We all must do our best to alert the media and our government representatives, otherwise Einstein's prediction will come true and mankind will only have four years left after the demise of the honey bee.


Re: Der Spiegel International Article - Are GM crops killing bees

Dear Philippe, Don and All: Philippe makes the point re "the facts" surrounding close exposure to DECT phone in the same way I have been emphasizing for years (and Olle has been trying to obtain funding for....) -- that we must inform the public of dangers of EMF exposures that are close to one's body before common sense can be applied to the more distant exposures!!!

We should be asking for what reason did the American Cancer Society send me a copy of the "USA Today" article back in 1993 when I made a query as to whether they had any information on EMF's. The file number on this item clearly indicates the American Cancer Society considered EMF's due to electrical appliances close to beds as "radiation."

I am preparing another email re the bees and EMF exposures........ Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller
Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA
Phone: 763-755-6114
Email: jcmpelican (3-28-07)

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed:
then it is violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. - Schopenhauer

RE: bees

Dear all,...this is my rough/quick content of the Koblenz study translated.

If I am wrong somewhere, please correct me.

Hans Karow.

Content of Koblenz study:

It's a pilot study and they found differences between the radiated and non-radiated bee hives with regards of (filled)honeycombs’ weight, and time of bee’s return flights to the hive, both cases have been illustrated in the figures.

Re honeycomb weight: a difference of 21.1 % less with the radiated bee hives.

Re: return to the bee hive: numbers of returning non-radiated bees are definitely higher compared to radiated bees;

Return flight-time of radiated bees is definitely longer than compared to non-radiated bees.

That's roughly what the study says.

At the end of that paper they suggest variation/recommendations for future studies.

Re: Der Spiegel International Article - Are GM crops killing bees

Inverter....EMF problems in mountainous forests of Arizona..... heat, stress, etc.

Re: bees

Electric and magnetic fields ---
6.4 Bees

6.4.1 It is clear that the electric fields created by transmission lines do affect the health and mortality of honey bees inside wooden hives(9). The most likely explanation for this is that the bees receive small, but frequent, shocks from the currents induced in the hives. If a hive is placed near transmission lines, this adverse effect can be mitigated by screening the hive. No-one who made a sub-mission to the Inquiry suggested that he or she wished to keep hives on or near to a transmission line easement and the adverse effect of the lines on bees in hives does not appear to create any practical problems.

Informant: Joanne C. Mueller


Re: Bees and GM-crops: Is this the lethal combination?

Hi All

In relation to

All these theories reminds me of the poem "The Blind Men and the Elephant" by American poet John Godfrey Saxe.

We all are taking a blind stab at what we think is the bee killer based on our particular experiences or interest. Perhaps "all of the above" is the right answer but I think the microwave factor should be right up there with the other main contenders. There is some good research that could be done here but as Professor Kaatz said in the first article. "Those who have the money are not interested in this sort of research, and those who are interested don't have the money."

Sound familiar?

Anyone know if a new wireless system was rolled out in the US around November last year?

Don Maisch

Excellent comment, dear Don, so very true! Particular the part by Professor Kaatz: "Those who have the money are not interested in this sort of research, and those who are interested don't have the money."

Best regards
Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm

With regard to the bees issue, two points to add:

* Our work suggests that the informations carrying radio waves would disrupt intercellular communication in the bees and cause them to become spatially disoriented. Thus, no way home to the hive and certain death.

* Regarding Don's question about any new rollout in the U.S., we do know that for the past two years, there has been a very rapid increase in the density of satellite radio repeaters installed throughout North America. It seems to be under the FCC's radar screen -- I suppose that is no surprise. Although not the same frequencies as mobile phones, there are wave patterns within that technolgoy that are in the range that would trigger adverese cell membrane reactions.

Dr. George L. Carlo
Science and Public Policy Institute
1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW -- 7th Floor Washington, D.C. 20004

Re: Bees and GM-crops: Is this the lethal combination?

Very interesting, dear Robert! Will this moving be followed in the future by humans seeking similar shelter...?

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


Are genetically modified crops a cause of disappearing bees?

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news



A "sharp decline" in the U.S. population of honey bees is examined in a new report from the Congressional Research Service.

"This phenomenon first became apparent among commercial migratory beekeepers along the East Coast during the last few months of 2006, and has since been reported nationwide," the CRS report said.

Various potential causes have been postulated, including parasites, pathogens, chemical contaminants, poor nutrition, and "stress."

The declining bee population is the subject of a hearing today before the House Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture.

See "Recent Honey Bee Colony Declines," Congressional Research Service, March 26, 2007:


And where are the bees?

Informant: Alfonso Balmori


Bee disease also a threat to U.S. crops

Apiarists buzzing about soaring rate of honeybee deaths

What's happening to the bees?

Informant: binstock


Bees dying and vanishing in many countries

Bees: news reports

Bees and GM-crops: Is this the lethal combination?


A little more info on what may be making the bees disappear...High Fructose Corn Syrup!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Posted by Jim Hightower

Listen to this Commentary

Bees are dying. Dying all across America. Lots and lots of bees.

Starting in Florida last fall, the great bee die-off has spread to 24 states. Whole colonies are dying. In Western states, commercial beekeepers report up to a 60 percent loss of their bees, with losses 70 percent in Texas and on the East Coast. It's unprecedented.

Who cares? Well, few people realize that many of America’s food crops – from almonds to watermelon – rely heavily on commercial honeybees for pollination. No bees, no fruit. One study finds that these bees pollinate every third bite of food that we consume.

Another little known fact is that bee pollination is increasingly a highly concentrated industry. Rather than a dispersed system of local hives, a few commercial operators now haul tens of billions of bees from coast to coast, trucking their hives in 18-wheelers.

"Colony Collapse Disorder," as it's now called, could be the result of this industrialized model of pollination. First, the bees themselves have been bred into single-purpose super-pollinators, rather than bees with multiple functions (make honey, feed the queen, maintain the hives, and extend the species). The industrial bees have lost the diversity and natural traits of wild bees.

Second, constant trucking puts stress on the bees, suppressing their immune systems and making them vulnerable to viruses, mites, and diseases. Also as part of their forced migration, the bees are fed a limited diet of high fructose corn syrup – about as healthy as humans trying to live on Cokes. Other research is indicting certain pesticides and genetically altered organisms that have been artificially spliced into many field crops.

This is Jim Hightower saying... Once again, we have the heavy hand of mankind messing with Mother Nature in ways that come back to mess with us – big time. It's not just bees these food industrialists are messing with – it's our food supply.

"Honeybees, Gone With the Wind, Leave Crops and Keeprs in Peril," New York Times, February 27, 2007

"What's Happening to the Bees?", April 5, 2007

Informant: Bob Banner


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