The One World Order: Following the Filthy Lucre
by Deanna Spingola
Though the "powers of darkness prevail upon the earth," we "know not the hearts of the men in our own nation" particularly because many Americans suffer from a media-induced state of ignorance. We are over-run with secret societies, where power-seeking participants swear allegiance to each other through secret oaths. They are all working towards the same satanical objective and attempt to function and influence every aspect of society and culture.
Though the "powers of darkness prevail upon the earth," we "know not the hearts of the men in our own nation" particularly because many Americans suffer from a media-induced state of ignorance. We are over-run with secret societies, where power-seeking participants swear allegiance to each other through secret oaths. They are all working towards the same satanical objective and attempt to function and influence every aspect of society and culture.
rudkla - 28. Jan, 18:57