The new George W. Bush
Fox News
by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
The Bush administration — as we know it — has come to an end. Clinton changed when the Republicans took over Congress in 1994 … and we’ll see something similar happen with Bush and his administration before our very eyes. The right wing won’t like it, but Bush must feel that now that the Republican base has failed to produce a GOP dominated Congress, he must wander to the center in search of higher approval ratings. Why does Bush care? He can’t, since he’s finished all his runs for re-election. He cares because no president can govern effectively with a 30 percent approval rating. He becomes a target for any stray pot shot from any member of Congress, former foe, or former friend. Regardless of his formal powers as commander in chief, he will find his wings clipped soon enough by a rebellious Congress, unless he can rally more than one-third of the nation to his cause...,2933,246911,00.html
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
The Bush administration — as we know it — has come to an end. Clinton changed when the Republicans took over Congress in 1994 … and we’ll see something similar happen with Bush and his administration before our very eyes. The right wing won’t like it, but Bush must feel that now that the Republican base has failed to produce a GOP dominated Congress, he must wander to the center in search of higher approval ratings. Why does Bush care? He can’t, since he’s finished all his runs for re-election. He cares because no president can govern effectively with a 30 percent approval rating. He becomes a target for any stray pot shot from any member of Congress, former foe, or former friend. Regardless of his formal powers as commander in chief, he will find his wings clipped soon enough by a rebellious Congress, unless he can rally more than one-third of the nation to his cause...,2933,246911,00.html
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 29. Jan, 15:31