Keith Olbermann deconstructs Bush's State of the Union claim to have foiled four terrorist attacks
Bush Shoots for "Jaws," Delivers "Jaws 2"
Keith Olbermann deconstructs Bush's State of the Union claim to have foiled four terrorist attacks. He says: "It would all be political hyperbole, Mr. Bush, if you had not, on this kind of 'intelligence,' taken us to war, now sought to escalate that war, and threatened new war in Iran and maybe even elsewhere. What you gave us a week ago tonight, sir, was not intelligence, but rather a walk-through of how speculation and innuendo, guesswork and paranoia, daydreaming and fearmongering, combine in your mind and the minds of your government into proof of your derring-do and your success against the terrorists."
Keith Olbermann deconstructs Bush's State of the Union claim to have foiled four terrorist attacks. He says: "It would all be political hyperbole, Mr. Bush, if you had not, on this kind of 'intelligence,' taken us to war, now sought to escalate that war, and threatened new war in Iran and maybe even elsewhere. What you gave us a week ago tonight, sir, was not intelligence, but rather a walk-through of how speculation and innuendo, guesswork and paranoia, daydreaming and fearmongering, combine in your mind and the minds of your government into proof of your derring-do and your success against the terrorists."
rudkla - 31. Jan, 22:43