2008 is too late to end the Bush Republican War On Iraq
Phillies 2008: 2008 Is Too Late
Rational Review
by George Phillies
Once upon a time, real conservatives like Barry Goldwater stood four-square for protecting the civil liberties of the American people. Now Bush Republicans say we should give up freedom for safety. Let me tell you the truth: When you hear someone say that we should give up freedom for safety, when you hear someone refer to America as the ‘homeland,’ you are listening to someone who hates the real America, hates our Constitution, hates our Bill of Rights, and hates our way of life. That person has no business anywhere near the levers of political power...
Rational Review
by George Phillies
Once upon a time, real conservatives like Barry Goldwater stood four-square for protecting the civil liberties of the American people. Now Bush Republicans say we should give up freedom for safety. Let me tell you the truth: When you hear someone say that we should give up freedom for safety, when you hear someone refer to America as the ‘homeland,’ you are listening to someone who hates the real America, hates our Constitution, hates our Bill of Rights, and hates our way of life. That person has no business anywhere near the levers of political power...
rudkla - 16. Feb, 14:55