What the Bush Administration Owes Iraq's Refugees
Finally acknowledging the momentous crisis of Iraqi refugees in the Middle East, the US government has announced it will accept 7,000 Iraqi refugees in the coming year. There are an estimated 750,000 Iraqis living in Jordan alone, with more than one million believed to be living in Syria. Electronic Iraq Amman correspondent Noah Merrill critiques the US pledge and offers a sobering glimpse at a rapidly growing crisis. "In the absence of a real commitment to an internationally supported, truly inclusive political process," Merrill writes, "the situation in Iraq will continue to get worse and Iraqis will continue to hemorrhage out of their homeland. We know where this path leads: a recent statement by the International Organization for Migration predicts that one million more Iraqis will be displaced in the coming year if the trend continues."
rudkla - 19. Feb, 18:09