Speak out to require California's utilities to reduce global warming pollution
Last fall California passed the world's first law limiting global warming pollution from electricity generation. The law prohibits new long-term investments in any baseload electricity power plants (those workhorse power plants that run around the clock) that emit more global warming pollution than an efficient natural gas power plant. A new conventional coal-fired power plant, for example, emits more than twice as much global warming pollution as a new natural gas plant.
In March, the California Energy Commission proposed regulations to implement and enforce the law for the state's municipal utilities, like the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. The proposed regulations are consistent with those already adopted by the California Public Utilities Commission for the state's investor-owned utilities (like Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison), in order to ensure that utilities across the state are held to the same standard. Nevertheless, the California Energy Commission faces continued pressure to weaken its proposed enforcement regulations.
The commission will consider the proposed regulations at its April 25th meeting, and is accepting public comments until that date.
== What to do ==
Send a message, before the April 25th meeting, urging the California Energy Commission to adopt the proposed global warming pollution performance standard regulations for municipal utilities.
== Contact information ==
You can send an official comment directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at https://www.nrdc.org/action/ Or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.
California Energy Commission Docket No. 06-OIR-1
1516 9th Street, MS-4 Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-654-4354
Email: SB1368@energy.state.ca.us
== Sample letter ==
Subject: Docket No. 06-OIR-1-- Comments on proposed GHG emissions standard regulations
Dear Commissioners,
I strongly support the proposed "Regulations Establishing and Implementing a Greenhouse Gases Emission Performance Standard for Local Publicly Owned Utilities." These regulations would ensure that utilities are required to place their long-term investments in clean energy sources, thus helping California meet its global warming emissions reduction targets under the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) and avoiding the unnecessary exposure of Californians to hundreds of millions of dollars in extra costs resulting from new investments in highly polluting energy sources.
We must protect all Californians equally from the financial and reliability risks of continued reliance on electricity sources that produce high amounts of global warming pollution. The California Public Utilities Commission has already adopted strong rules to implement and enforce SB 1368 for the state's investor-owned utilities, and the California Energy Commission is obligated to adopt consistent regulations for the state's local publicly owned utilities.
The proposed regulations provide for necessary state oversight to ensure compliance with the standard, while allowing the publicly owned utilities enough flexibility to continue purchasing the cleanest, most affordable power for their customers. In addition, the proposed regulations would ensure a consistent statewide standard for all California utilities. I strongly urge the commission to adopt the proposed regulations to implement and enforce SB 1368 for California's local publicly owned utilities.
[Your name and address]
In March, the California Energy Commission proposed regulations to implement and enforce the law for the state's municipal utilities, like the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. The proposed regulations are consistent with those already adopted by the California Public Utilities Commission for the state's investor-owned utilities (like Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison), in order to ensure that utilities across the state are held to the same standard. Nevertheless, the California Energy Commission faces continued pressure to weaken its proposed enforcement regulations.
The commission will consider the proposed regulations at its April 25th meeting, and is accepting public comments until that date.
== What to do ==
Send a message, before the April 25th meeting, urging the California Energy Commission to adopt the proposed global warming pollution performance standard regulations for municipal utilities.
== Contact information ==
You can send an official comment directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at https://www.nrdc.org/action/ Or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.
California Energy Commission Docket No. 06-OIR-1
1516 9th Street, MS-4 Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-654-4354
Email: SB1368@energy.state.ca.us
== Sample letter ==
Subject: Docket No. 06-OIR-1-- Comments on proposed GHG emissions standard regulations
Dear Commissioners,
I strongly support the proposed "Regulations Establishing and Implementing a Greenhouse Gases Emission Performance Standard for Local Publicly Owned Utilities." These regulations would ensure that utilities are required to place their long-term investments in clean energy sources, thus helping California meet its global warming emissions reduction targets under the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) and avoiding the unnecessary exposure of Californians to hundreds of millions of dollars in extra costs resulting from new investments in highly polluting energy sources.
We must protect all Californians equally from the financial and reliability risks of continued reliance on electricity sources that produce high amounts of global warming pollution. The California Public Utilities Commission has already adopted strong rules to implement and enforce SB 1368 for the state's investor-owned utilities, and the California Energy Commission is obligated to adopt consistent regulations for the state's local publicly owned utilities.
The proposed regulations provide for necessary state oversight to ensure compliance with the standard, while allowing the publicly owned utilities enough flexibility to continue purchasing the cleanest, most affordable power for their customers. In addition, the proposed regulations would ensure a consistent statewide standard for all California utilities. I strongly urge the commission to adopt the proposed regulations to implement and enforce SB 1368 for California's local publicly owned utilities.
[Your name and address]
rudkla - 2. Apr, 17:17