Double phone mast battle begins
21 April 2007 08:50
City campaigners look to have lost a fight against a phone company planning to set up two huge masts.
An application for the two T-Mobile antennas is set to be approved by Norwich City Council next week, despite scientific evidence linking them to cancer.
The antennas would be sited on the roof of an office block in Thorpe Road, Norwich - a residential area, close to blocks of flats.
On Tuesday, the Evening News highlighted a scientific study linking mobile phone masts to cancer. T-Mobile commissioned German scientist Dr Peter Neitke to research the potential health risks caused by telecoms equipment.
Dr Neitzke said when his findings were not what T-Mobile wanted to hear, they were ignored and more favourable reports used.
Today, mast campaigner Andy Street, 69, of Eastern Avenue in Thorpe, condemned T-Mobile's latest application. He said: “The fact that Norwich City Council is going to approve this is very worrying. There is just not enough evidence that phone masts are safe.
“It is not for us to prove that they are dangerous, they need to prove they do not cause any harm.”
He said the health impact of masts could be like asbestos, in that it only become clear much too late. He added: “We should be holding fire until there is more evidence, but I suppose the council can only work within the guidelines they have.”
The council report to go before councillors next Thursday states that the antennae fall within current health and safety guidelines.
It said: “In terms of health impact, the agent has confirmed that the installation would be fully compliant with national guidelines on health and safety.
Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: and
“It is the government's view that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards, and it remains the responsibility of government to decide what measures are necessary to protect public health.”
The Evening News has been running a Put Masts On Hold campaign, urging people to fight applications until they have been proven not to be a danger to public health.
Are you fighting a mobile phone mast near you? Contact reporter Dominic Chessum on 01603 772428 or email dominic.chessum
Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.
21 April 2007 08:50
City campaigners look to have lost a fight against a phone company planning to set up two huge masts.
An application for the two T-Mobile antennas is set to be approved by Norwich City Council next week, despite scientific evidence linking them to cancer.
The antennas would be sited on the roof of an office block in Thorpe Road, Norwich - a residential area, close to blocks of flats.
On Tuesday, the Evening News highlighted a scientific study linking mobile phone masts to cancer. T-Mobile commissioned German scientist Dr Peter Neitke to research the potential health risks caused by telecoms equipment.
Dr Neitzke said when his findings were not what T-Mobile wanted to hear, they were ignored and more favourable reports used.
Today, mast campaigner Andy Street, 69, of Eastern Avenue in Thorpe, condemned T-Mobile's latest application. He said: “The fact that Norwich City Council is going to approve this is very worrying. There is just not enough evidence that phone masts are safe.
“It is not for us to prove that they are dangerous, they need to prove they do not cause any harm.”
He said the health impact of masts could be like asbestos, in that it only become clear much too late. He added: “We should be holding fire until there is more evidence, but I suppose the council can only work within the guidelines they have.”
The council report to go before councillors next Thursday states that the antennae fall within current health and safety guidelines.
It said: “In terms of health impact, the agent has confirmed that the installation would be fully compliant with national guidelines on health and safety.
Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: and
“It is the government's view that the planning system is not the place for determining health safeguards, and it remains the responsibility of government to decide what measures are necessary to protect public health.”
The Evening News has been running a Put Masts On Hold campaign, urging people to fight applications until they have been proven not to be a danger to public health.
Are you fighting a mobile phone mast near you? Contact reporter Dominic Chessum on 01603 772428 or email dominic.chessum
Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.
rudkla - 21. Apr, 12:31