Save Black Bears in Alaska
A message from Vida
PET/America: Save Black Bears in Alaska
The Department of Fish and Game is Alaska wants to hunt 900-1400 Black Bears to their deaths by any means necessary, including sows and cubs.
This program is to be part of the heavily criticised aerial wolf-kill program, part of which has already been declared illegal by the courts.
The Department says the hunt is necessary to protect Moose numbers, however there have been questions raised about the science behind their estimates, why such a large number of bears need to be killed, the "anything goes" methodology of the hunt wherein fair chase and usual hunting ethics don’t even apply, and even the plan's practicality - Department officials have themselves admitted that the plan is unlikely to work, and at least one major hunting group has said that they do not support it. The public certainly don’t. So why go ahead with it?
We are asking that the Department reconsider this plan. To sign the petition, please go to the following link:
The hunt is due to begin on July 1, we need your signatures now!!
Thank you!!
PET/America: Save Black Bears in Alaska
The Department of Fish and Game is Alaska wants to hunt 900-1400 Black Bears to their deaths by any means necessary, including sows and cubs.
This program is to be part of the heavily criticised aerial wolf-kill program, part of which has already been declared illegal by the courts.
The Department says the hunt is necessary to protect Moose numbers, however there have been questions raised about the science behind their estimates, why such a large number of bears need to be killed, the "anything goes" methodology of the hunt wherein fair chase and usual hunting ethics don’t even apply, and even the plan's practicality - Department officials have themselves admitted that the plan is unlikely to work, and at least one major hunting group has said that they do not support it. The public certainly don’t. So why go ahead with it?
We are asking that the Department reconsider this plan. To sign the petition, please go to the following link:
The hunt is due to begin on July 1, we need your signatures now!!
Thank you!!
rudkla - 25. Apr, 13:10