Behind The Mask of Evil
By Doug Soderstrom, Ph.D
It is so very easy for us to condemn acts of evil, to pretend that all is well "with us," that the evil that has been committed has emerged from the belly of a beast, that the other fellow, the one who committed the act, is someone very different than we are, someone beyond our capacity to understand, never realizing that we do such a thing in order to justify our angered need to condemn our foe.
It is so very easy for us to condemn acts of evil, to pretend that all is well "with us," that the evil that has been committed has emerged from the belly of a beast, that the other fellow, the one who committed the act, is someone very different than we are, someone beyond our capacity to understand, never realizing that we do such a thing in order to justify our angered need to condemn our foe.
rudkla - 26. Apr, 11:57