Exit From Iraq Should Be Through Iran
The lesson for both Iran and North Korea is simple: acquire nuclear weapons and the US will not only stop threatening "regime change," but will also seek good relations. Effectively the US has demolished the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Diplomats: Iran Hinted at Suspension
Iran recently hinted at willingness to discuss a partial suspension of uranium enrichment, but the West stuck to its demand for a full halt and Tehran withdrew its idea for getting talks going in the dispute over its nuclear program, diplomats said Wednesday.
From Information Clearing House
Diplomats: Iran Hinted at Suspension
Iran recently hinted at willingness to discuss a partial suspension of uranium enrichment, but the West stuck to its demand for a full halt and Tehran withdrew its idea for getting talks going in the dispute over its nuclear program, diplomats said Wednesday.
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 31. Mai, 10:40