In light of the horrible escalation of violence and war, it is outrageous that every church is not a “peace church"
Eating cake and playing tag
Common Dreams
by Karen Horst Cobb
I have said all I have to say with words and I’m tired. Like Cindy, I thought that by now things would be drastically different than they were in 2004. I did not place my hopes in a political party but I placed my hopes in the goodness of Americans and especially Americans who profess to be followers of Jesus and his teachings. I had visions that many Christians would recognize and repent from the violence of war and religious hubris and hold their leaders accountable. I believed they would reject the violent church/state religion and again show the face of love to the world.It seems many/most Christians agree with what I write but deep inside are unwilling to make waves, stand up, or take a risk. …. In light of the horrible escalation of violence and war, it is outrageous that every church is not a “peace church.” I have been preaching to the choir but the choir is more interested in pageantry and pretty cakes than in authentic service...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Common Dreams
by Karen Horst Cobb
I have said all I have to say with words and I’m tired. Like Cindy, I thought that by now things would be drastically different than they were in 2004. I did not place my hopes in a political party but I placed my hopes in the goodness of Americans and especially Americans who profess to be followers of Jesus and his teachings. I had visions that many Christians would recognize and repent from the violence of war and religious hubris and hold their leaders accountable. I believed they would reject the violent church/state religion and again show the face of love to the world.It seems many/most Christians agree with what I write but deep inside are unwilling to make waves, stand up, or take a risk. …. In light of the horrible escalation of violence and war, it is outrageous that every church is not a “peace church.” I have been preaching to the choir but the choir is more interested in pageantry and pretty cakes than in authentic service...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 12. Jun, 11:50