Urge Your Member of Congress to Vote YES on the Hinchey-Wolf Amendment
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What to Say When You Call
Ask for the appropriations staff person, but if he/she is unavailable, leave your message anyway.
Identify yourself and tell the staff person that you are calling about the FY 2008 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill. Urge Your Member of Congress to Vote "YES" on the Hinchey-Wolf Amendment
The Hinchey-Wolf amendment would delay for one year the implementation of section 1221 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct). The proposed designation on April 26, 2007 by the Department of Energy (DOE) pursuant to section 1221 of two "National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors" - one in the east and the other in the southwest.
Under section 1221, not only private lands within designated corridors could be harmed by applicants but also public lands such as national parks, designated wilderness areas, national monuments, national wildlife refuges, and other wilderness-quality lands.
These designated corridors were proposed and will be finalized without preparation of any environmental review, or meaningful opportunities to comment on the proposals, or any consideration of numerous available alternatives.
The Hinchey-Wolf amendment will allow a year for further consultations with state and local officials and local citizens to ensure that federal energy plans respect state and federal laws protecting private property and our cherished wild areas. At the same time the amendment will give the DOE the opportunity to work toward a modern, reliable, and secure transmission system that meets our nation's needs.
You Can Help!
Please call your representative now, or click to send an email.
Click here to look up your Representative's Contact Info:
What to Say When You Call
Ask for the appropriations staff person, but if he/she is unavailable, leave your message anyway.
Identify yourself and tell the staff person that you are calling about the FY 2008 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill. Urge Your Member of Congress to Vote "YES" on the Hinchey-Wolf Amendment
The Hinchey-Wolf amendment would delay for one year the implementation of section 1221 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct). The proposed designation on April 26, 2007 by the Department of Energy (DOE) pursuant to section 1221 of two "National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors" - one in the east and the other in the southwest.
Under section 1221, not only private lands within designated corridors could be harmed by applicants but also public lands such as national parks, designated wilderness areas, national monuments, national wildlife refuges, and other wilderness-quality lands.
These designated corridors were proposed and will be finalized without preparation of any environmental review, or meaningful opportunities to comment on the proposals, or any consideration of numerous available alternatives.
The Hinchey-Wolf amendment will allow a year for further consultations with state and local officials and local citizens to ensure that federal energy plans respect state and federal laws protecting private property and our cherished wild areas. At the same time the amendment will give the DOE the opportunity to work toward a modern, reliable, and secure transmission system that meets our nation's needs.
You Can Help!
Please call your representative now, or click to send an email.
rudkla - 13. Jun, 06:12