Getting The Truth About America's Gold Reserve
by Devvy Kidd
There's no question America is in a dark and dangerous period of history. The world's banking cartels have had their way for centuries, manipulating, strangling and raping the wealth of nations with America at the top of their agenda. For those of us who own gold, we fully understand the importance of owning it to protect us from the machinations of truly evil men. GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee), has been on a relentless crusade for quite some time to expose the manipulation of gold by the Masters of the Game......
There's no question America is in a dark and dangerous period of history. The world's banking cartels have had their way for centuries, manipulating, strangling and raping the wealth of nations with America at the top of their agenda. For those of us who own gold, we fully understand the importance of owning it to protect us from the machinations of truly evil men. GATA (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee), has been on a relentless crusade for quite some time to expose the manipulation of gold by the Masters of the Game......
rudkla - 18. Jun, 09:17