Justice Denied
The New York Times writes: "In the 1960s, Chief Justice Earl Warren presided over a Supreme Court that interpreted the Constitution in ways that protected the powerless - racial and religious minorities, consumers, students and criminal defendants. At the end of its first full term, Chief Justice John Roberts's court is emerging as the Warren court's mirror image. Time and again the court has ruled, almost always 5-4, in favor of corporations and powerful interests while slamming the courthouse door on individuals and ideals that truly need the court's shelter."
Justice denied
The Nation
by Aziz Huq
The resignation of Alberto Gonzales has brought a smile to the faces of many Bush Administration critics, but will it bring real change? Unless the Senate Judiciary Committee seizes its chance in a new Attorney General’s confirmation hearings, the danger is that Gonzales’s exit won’t just leave Justice tarnished–it will also mean justice denied. Denial of justice is a theme for this Administration, as illustrated by some very strange bedfellows...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Justice denied
The Nation
by Aziz Huq
The resignation of Alberto Gonzales has brought a smile to the faces of many Bush Administration critics, but will it bring real change? Unless the Senate Judiciary Committee seizes its chance in a new Attorney General’s confirmation hearings, the danger is that Gonzales’s exit won’t just leave Justice tarnished–it will also mean justice denied. Denial of justice is a theme for this Administration, as illustrated by some very strange bedfellows...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 6. Jul, 09:28