Another senior Republican breaks with Bush on Iraq
ABC News
President George W. Bush’s Iraq war policy continued to hemorrhage support in the U.S. Senate as another senior Republican called on Thursday for a new strategy that would start to bring troops home. A day after Bush appealed to Americans to be more patient with the unpopular war, six-term New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici, who is up for re-election next year, urged a new course. … Domenici joined the ranks of influential Republican lawmakers who recently have broken with Bush over the 4-year-old conflict in Iraq, declaring themselves unable to keep backing a war that has no end in sight after the deaths of 3,590 U.S. troops...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
GOP Congressman Joins Sen. Domenici in Breaking With White House on War
"Albuquerque Rep. John Doolittle, a conservative California Congressman, has joined others in his party rapidly deserting the president on the Iraq war," reports Editor and Publisher. The New York Times reports, "Support among Republicans for President Bush's Iraq policy eroded further on Thursday as another senior lawmaker, Senator Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico, broke with the White House just as Congressional Democrats prepared to renew their challenge to the war.
President George W. Bush’s Iraq war policy continued to hemorrhage support in the U.S. Senate as another senior Republican called on Thursday for a new strategy that would start to bring troops home. A day after Bush appealed to Americans to be more patient with the unpopular war, six-term New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici, who is up for re-election next year, urged a new course. … Domenici joined the ranks of influential Republican lawmakers who recently have broken with Bush over the 4-year-old conflict in Iraq, declaring themselves unable to keep backing a war that has no end in sight after the deaths of 3,590 U.S. troops...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
GOP Congressman Joins Sen. Domenici in Breaking With White House on War
"Albuquerque Rep. John Doolittle, a conservative California Congressman, has joined others in his party rapidly deserting the president on the Iraq war," reports Editor and Publisher. The New York Times reports, "Support among Republicans for President Bush's Iraq policy eroded further on Thursday as another senior lawmaker, Senator Pete V. Domenici of New Mexico, broke with the White House just as Congressional Democrats prepared to renew their challenge to the war.
rudkla - 6. Jul, 14:48