Iraq showdown set in Senate
New York Daily News
Debate starts today in the Senate on a defense bill that will show whether the Republican Party is in full revolt against President Bush over the Iraq war. Key members of the GOP have already broken with the President over the war. More than a dozen others have signaled they could demand a new plan after a September status report from the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus. … Six Republicans — many facing reelection in 2008 — also have signed on to a bill that does not set a deadline for withdrawal, as Democrats would like, but aims to lay the groundwork for leaving by March next year. That bill and others are expected to be offered as amendments to the $670 billion defense spending bill the Senate plans to start debating this afternoon...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Debate starts today in the Senate on a defense bill that will show whether the Republican Party is in full revolt against President Bush over the Iraq war. Key members of the GOP have already broken with the President over the war. More than a dozen others have signaled they could demand a new plan after a September status report from the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus. … Six Republicans — many facing reelection in 2008 — also have signed on to a bill that does not set a deadline for withdrawal, as Democrats would like, but aims to lay the groundwork for leaving by March next year. That bill and others are expected to be offered as amendments to the $670 billion defense spending bill the Senate plans to start debating this afternoon...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 10. Jul, 11:13