Dr. Paul has requested Urgent Assistance for the Iowa Straw Poll Primary on August 11, 2007
Action Needed - Each of these Cities in Iowa Need Ron Paul Meetup Groups - https://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/message/229
Registering Repug:
List of the different States Primary Dates - https://www.vote-smart.org/election_president_state_primary_dates.php Louisiana Voter Registration - "When must I register to vote before an election? (R.S. 18:135) Louisiana statutes require you to be registered 30 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that particular election."
How can I change my party affiliation? (R.S. 18:107(B)) Your party affiliation can be changed by simply sending your Registrar of Voters a written note requesting your party change (including signature), or by completing another application. Please note: if you are changing your party right before an election, it must be done 30 days prior to an election. Party changes received after book closing for an election cannot be in effect until the next election. https://www.sos.louisiana.gov/elections/elect-regist.htm
Contacts for LA Registrars of Voters - Email, Address and Phone - https://www.sos.louisiana.gov/elections/MISC/CoC_RoV_List_Web.pdf - In LA, your party affiliation must be changed PRIOR to 01/09/08.
Voting Reform in Effect in 2008:
US Must Have True and Accurate Voting - We must continue to put pressure on our so called representatives to insure that 2008 will be our first non-fixed national election. This must be approached on a state and national level. HBO: Hacking Democracy - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hacking+democracy&search=Search City of New Orleans, LA & 36 Other State's Elections Fixed - https://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/07/17/ward.htm
Don't forget to vote in the GOP Online StrawPoll - https://www.freedomworks.org/strawpoll/ - Email verification required to have your vote counted.
Dei Jurum Conventus - (God's Rights (Unity)/Convention)
Ed Ward, MD; https://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/ , https://www.thepriceofliberty.org/arc_ward.htm Independent writer/Media Liaison for The Price of Liberty; https://www.thepriceofliberty.org/
Action Needed - Each of these Cities in Iowa Need Ron Paul Meetup Groups - https://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/message/229
Registering Repug:
List of the different States Primary Dates - https://www.vote-smart.org/election_president_state_primary_dates.php Louisiana Voter Registration - "When must I register to vote before an election? (R.S. 18:135) Louisiana statutes require you to be registered 30 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that particular election."
How can I change my party affiliation? (R.S. 18:107(B)) Your party affiliation can be changed by simply sending your Registrar of Voters a written note requesting your party change (including signature), or by completing another application. Please note: if you are changing your party right before an election, it must be done 30 days prior to an election. Party changes received after book closing for an election cannot be in effect until the next election. https://www.sos.louisiana.gov/elections/elect-regist.htm
Contacts for LA Registrars of Voters - Email, Address and Phone - https://www.sos.louisiana.gov/elections/MISC/CoC_RoV_List_Web.pdf - In LA, your party affiliation must be changed PRIOR to 01/09/08.
Voting Reform in Effect in 2008:
US Must Have True and Accurate Voting - We must continue to put pressure on our so called representatives to insure that 2008 will be our first non-fixed national election. This must be approached on a state and national level. HBO: Hacking Democracy - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hacking+democracy&search=Search City of New Orleans, LA & 36 Other State's Elections Fixed - https://www.thepriceofliberty.org/06/07/17/ward.htm
Don't forget to vote in the GOP Online StrawPoll - https://www.freedomworks.org/strawpoll/ - Email verification required to have your vote counted.
Dei Jurum Conventus - (God's Rights (Unity)/Convention)
Ed Ward, MD; https://groups.yahoo.com/group/EdWard-MD/ , https://www.thepriceofliberty.org/arc_ward.htm Independent writer/Media Liaison for The Price of Liberty; https://www.thepriceofliberty.org/
rudkla - 1. Aug, 08:34