The system relies on your adherence to playing by the rules, their rules
The Price of Liberty
by Ron Ewart
The system has two Achilles Heels. It relies on your tax dollars, and it relies on your adherence to playing by the rules, their rules. If you dry up the dollars and significantly resist their rules on a grand scale, the veneer of their system breaks down like a cracking egg shell. The ’system’s’ first reaction to resistance is to bring out the police (law enforcement). They have already done that, and we have now become a police state to enforce all the rules and administrative procedures they have perpetrated against us. But there are not enough police in the world to stop a truly massive resistance, especially a resistance founded on freedom and liberty. People are already resisting by quietly not following the rules. Some get caught — and pay a terrible price. Others get off scot-free but they don’t advertise or gloat about their resistance. Eventually, the ’system’ will go too far and squeeze the people in just the right places...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Ron Ewart
The system has two Achilles Heels. It relies on your tax dollars, and it relies on your adherence to playing by the rules, their rules. If you dry up the dollars and significantly resist their rules on a grand scale, the veneer of their system breaks down like a cracking egg shell. The ’system’s’ first reaction to resistance is to bring out the police (law enforcement). They have already done that, and we have now become a police state to enforce all the rules and administrative procedures they have perpetrated against us. But there are not enough police in the world to stop a truly massive resistance, especially a resistance founded on freedom and liberty. People are already resisting by quietly not following the rules. Some get caught — and pay a terrible price. Others get off scot-free but they don’t advertise or gloat about their resistance. Eventually, the ’system’ will go too far and squeeze the people in just the right places...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 1. Aug, 11:06