Global Warning: Brutal lessons from an Antarctic summer
Here is climate change in action, Antarctica as a living experiment.
From Information Clearing House
Islands Emerge As Arctic Ice Shrinks to Record Low
Alister Doyle reports for Reuters: "Previously unknown islands are appearing as Arctic summer sea ice shrinks to record lows, raising questions about whether global warming is outpacing UN projections, experts said."
Sea Rise Outpacing Predictions Due to Antarctica
Alister Doyle writes for Reuters: "A thaw of Antarctic ice is outpacing predictions by the UN climate panel and could in the worst case drive up world sea levels by two meters (six feet) by 2100, a leading expert said on Wednesday."
From Information Clearing House
Islands Emerge As Arctic Ice Shrinks to Record Low
Alister Doyle reports for Reuters: "Previously unknown islands are appearing as Arctic summer sea ice shrinks to record lows, raising questions about whether global warming is outpacing UN projections, experts said."
Sea Rise Outpacing Predictions Due to Antarctica
Alister Doyle writes for Reuters: "A thaw of Antarctic ice is outpacing predictions by the UN climate panel and could in the worst case drive up world sea levels by two meters (six feet) by 2100, a leading expert said on Wednesday."
rudkla - 22. Aug, 11:42