Council says yes to phone mast when it means no
Conservative councillors Michael Dixon, left, and Robert Oliver with the phone mast which was accidentally approved
By Marissa Carruthers
A council mix-up has left neighbours seeing red after a phone mast was sited next to their homes.
Sunderland City Council has found itself embroiled in a battle with phone giant O2 to see the mast pulled down.
But the company is sticking to its guns and has vowed it is there to stay.
By Marissa Carruthers
A council mix-up has left neighbours seeing red after a phone mast was sited next to their homes.
Sunderland City Council has found itself embroiled in a battle with phone giant O2 to see the mast pulled down.
But the company is sticking to its guns and has vowed it is there to stay.
rudkla - 3. Sep, 11:29