FDA Ineptitude Costs Many Lives
by Byron Richards
On September 27, 2007 the president signed the hotly debated FDA “reform” legislation into law, which does nothing but give the highly dysfunctional FDA management team more power. FDA ineptitude is costing Americans dearly. The FDA does not need more power or money, it needs management that truly has the health and well-being of consumers as its top priority. FDA crimes of commission and omission are becoming more evident with every passing day........
On September 27, 2007 the president signed the hotly debated FDA “reform” legislation into law, which does nothing but give the highly dysfunctional FDA management team more power. FDA ineptitude is costing Americans dearly. The FDA does not need more power or money, it needs management that truly has the health and well-being of consumers as its top priority. FDA crimes of commission and omission are becoming more evident with every passing day........
rudkla - 5. Okt, 10:43