New Military Leaders Question Iraq Mission
Nancy A. Youssef and Renee Schoof report for McClatchy Newspapers, "Four and a half years after the nation's top military leaders saluted and fell in behind President Bush's pre-emptive invasion of Iraq, their replacements are beginning to question the mission and sound alarms about the toll the war is taking on the Army and the Marine Corps."
Saving the Military From Itself
William Astore writes for "It's time to save the military from itself. I say this as a retired Air Force officer who served for twenty years, my last three in a 'joint' assignment, working closely with Army, Marine, and Navy officers and enlisted men and women."
Saving the Military From Itself
William Astore writes for "It's time to save the military from itself. I say this as a retired Air Force officer who served for twenty years, my last three in a 'joint' assignment, working closely with Army, Marine, and Navy officers and enlisted men and women."
rudkla - 5. Okt, 23:05