Why Did We Invade Iraq Anyway?
Michael Schwartz, writing for TomDispath.com, says: "Why is occupying Iraq so 'vital' to those 'national security interests' of ours? None of this makes sense if you don't have the patience to drill a little beneath the surface and into the past; if you don't take into account that, as former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz once put it, Iraq 'floats on a sea of oil'; and if you don't consider the decades-long US campaign to control, in some fashion, Middle East energy reservoirs. If not, then you can't understand the incredible tenaciousness with which George W. Bush and his top officials have pursued their Iraqi dreams or why - now that those dreams are clearly so many nightmares - even the Democrats can't give up the ghost."
rudkla - 31. Okt, 23:33