Greenspan: The Bubble Man
Alan Greenspan: The Boy in the Bubble
Dean Baker, writing for Truthout, says that former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan "has long held some of the very top positions. Therefore, we should expect some pretty good excuses for the housing crash that is now threatening to engulf the US economy. However, even long-time Greenspan watchers had to be impressed by his latest effort at self-vindication. In a Wall Street Journal column last week, Mr. Greenspan placed the blame for the housing bubble on the end of the Cold War. There's no point in going through the argument, let's just acknowledge this is the work of a true master."
Alan Greenspan: The Boy in the Bubble
Dean Baker, writing for Truthout, says that former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan "has long held some of the very top positions. Therefore, we should expect some pretty good excuses for the housing crash that is now threatening to engulf the US economy. However, even long-time Greenspan watchers had to be impressed by his latest effort at self-vindication. In a Wall Street Journal column last week, Mr. Greenspan placed the blame for the housing bubble on the end of the Cold War. There's no point in going through the argument, let's just acknowledge this is the work of a true master."
rudkla - 23. Nov, 16:57