Impending Destruction of the US Economy
By Paul Craig Roberts
Hubris and arrogance are too ensconced in Washington for policymakers to be aware of the economic policy trap in which they have placed the US economy.
Leaderless and Clueless
America Heads for the Trash Can of History
By Paul Craig Roberts
In new books writers as disparate as Naomi Wolf and Pat Buchanan conclude that America as we know her is disappearing. Both writers hope, but are not confident, that enough Americans will catch on in time to find the leadership to pull America back from the brink.
Hubris and arrogance are too ensconced in Washington for policymakers to be aware of the economic policy trap in which they have placed the US economy.
Leaderless and Clueless
America Heads for the Trash Can of History
By Paul Craig Roberts
In new books writers as disparate as Naomi Wolf and Pat Buchanan conclude that America as we know her is disappearing. Both writers hope, but are not confident, that enough Americans will catch on in time to find the leadership to pull America back from the brink.
rudkla - 29. Nov, 00:27