No taxes for war
The Nation
by Katrina vanden Heuvel
More and more Americans are fed up with watching their tax dollars support the greatest foreign policy disaster of our time. … And despite the recently released NIE report on Iran, the Administration’s saber rattling stunningly continues. That’s why Chris Hedges recently pledged in The Nation, ‘I will not pay my income tax if we go to war with Iran …’ It’s also the reason a coalition of antiwar groups … are using this weekend’s Boston Tea Party anniversary to begin circulating this pledge: ‘When I am joined by 100,000 other US taxpayers, I will join in an act of mass civil disobedience and refuse to pay the portion of my taxes that pays the US military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan’...
Are you going to pay for Bush’s wars?
by Jodie Evans
How much of your tax payment this year would you like to allocate for waterboarding in Iraq or an invasion of Iran? Around the world, people are puzzled as to why the U.S. public allows the Bush administration to wage illegal wars and usurp our power. Why do we tolerate it and continue to pay for it? Over the past year, millions of U.S. citizens have voted, lobbied, marched and taken direct action to end the war in Iraq. Courageous soldiers, such as members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, have taken the risk to speak out. Yet Congress continues to appropriate billions of dollars for the war. How do we up the ante of resistance? It is time for taxpayers who oppose this war to join together in nonviolent civil disobedience and show Congress how to cut off the funds for this war and redirect resources to the pressing needs of people...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Katrina vanden Heuvel
More and more Americans are fed up with watching their tax dollars support the greatest foreign policy disaster of our time. … And despite the recently released NIE report on Iran, the Administration’s saber rattling stunningly continues. That’s why Chris Hedges recently pledged in The Nation, ‘I will not pay my income tax if we go to war with Iran …’ It’s also the reason a coalition of antiwar groups … are using this weekend’s Boston Tea Party anniversary to begin circulating this pledge: ‘When I am joined by 100,000 other US taxpayers, I will join in an act of mass civil disobedience and refuse to pay the portion of my taxes that pays the US military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan’...
Are you going to pay for Bush’s wars?
by Jodie Evans
How much of your tax payment this year would you like to allocate for waterboarding in Iraq or an invasion of Iran? Around the world, people are puzzled as to why the U.S. public allows the Bush administration to wage illegal wars and usurp our power. Why do we tolerate it and continue to pay for it? Over the past year, millions of U.S. citizens have voted, lobbied, marched and taken direct action to end the war in Iraq. Courageous soldiers, such as members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, have taken the risk to speak out. Yet Congress continues to appropriate billions of dollars for the war. How do we up the ante of resistance? It is time for taxpayers who oppose this war to join together in nonviolent civil disobedience and show Congress how to cut off the funds for this war and redirect resources to the pressing needs of people...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 17. Dez, 11:04