America, on the road to oblivion
Liberty For All
by Ed Lewis
This government is headed by a man in the White House that hasn’t any concept of the meaning of human rights, or of the foundation this union of states was founded on. He is a man who does not know he hasn’t any power whatsoever to make law or to issue edicts as the kings of old did. He will abuse his false authority — power — to order the deaths of thousands in the name of freedom when he cannot even begin to understand ‘freedom’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Ed Lewis
This government is headed by a man in the White House that hasn’t any concept of the meaning of human rights, or of the foundation this union of states was founded on. He is a man who does not know he hasn’t any power whatsoever to make law or to issue edicts as the kings of old did. He will abuse his false authority — power — to order the deaths of thousands in the name of freedom when he cannot even begin to understand ‘freedom’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 23. Jan, 11:30