How far and entrenched is the retreat from logic in the pursuit and practice of US and UK foreign policy?
The Acid Test
By Claire Spencer
As we face yet more ideologically-driven debate about Iran, the central question is how far and entrenched is this retreat from logic in the pursuit and practice of US and UK foreign policy? Are we all going to stand by while another set of Manechean visions is paraded before us in the form of the struggles between freedom and despotism, moderates and radicals, global jihadi-terrorist networks and pro-Western freedom fighters?
By Claire Spencer
As we face yet more ideologically-driven debate about Iran, the central question is how far and entrenched is this retreat from logic in the pursuit and practice of US and UK foreign policy? Are we all going to stand by while another set of Manechean visions is paraded before us in the form of the struggles between freedom and despotism, moderates and radicals, global jihadi-terrorist networks and pro-Western freedom fighters?
rudkla - 26. Jan, 08:59