Change not possible with same players
by Devvy Kidd
Back in 1994, the American people yelled, "We want change!" Out went forty years of big spending Democrats and in came the Republicans with their slick marketing mantra: The Contact with America. After eleven years of bigger spending Republicans and these unconstitutional, immoral invasions of non threatening foreign countries, the American people once again said they wanted change. In 2006, with the exception of a few faces, the voters put the same old crowd and agenda right back in power because they bought a different version of the same lies. Now the American people are being bombarded with Obama's empty slogan: "Change you can believe in." I guess it depends on how you define change.........
Back in 1994, the American people yelled, "We want change!" Out went forty years of big spending Democrats and in came the Republicans with their slick marketing mantra: The Contact with America. After eleven years of bigger spending Republicans and these unconstitutional, immoral invasions of non threatening foreign countries, the American people once again said they wanted change. In 2006, with the exception of a few faces, the voters put the same old crowd and agenda right back in power because they bought a different version of the same lies. Now the American people are being bombarded with Obama's empty slogan: "Change you can believe in." I guess it depends on how you define change.........
rudkla - 3. Mär, 11:16