Gitmo trials fail Nuremberg test
Sacramento Bee
by Nat Hentoff
In Sen. Christopher Dodd’s superb book, ‘Letters from Nuremberg: My Father’s Narrative of a Quest for Justice’ (Crown, 2007), he quotes his father, Thomas Dodd, who became the No. 2 prosecutor in the American team at Nuremberg: ‘Those of us who were privileged to serve at the Nuremberg Trial are proud of the entire proceeding. … Every right of the defendants was scrupulously observed. They were given every possible opportunity to make every explanation and every possible defense. Witnesses were obtained for them merely at their request. Documents were made available, library facilities were at their disposal, and throughout every hour of the trial they were afforded every opportunity to answer every charge.’ As others and I have reported, the procedures at Guantanamo — by glaring contrast — are the very opposite of those at Nuremberg...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Nat Hentoff
In Sen. Christopher Dodd’s superb book, ‘Letters from Nuremberg: My Father’s Narrative of a Quest for Justice’ (Crown, 2007), he quotes his father, Thomas Dodd, who became the No. 2 prosecutor in the American team at Nuremberg: ‘Those of us who were privileged to serve at the Nuremberg Trial are proud of the entire proceeding. … Every right of the defendants was scrupulously observed. They were given every possible opportunity to make every explanation and every possible defense. Witnesses were obtained for them merely at their request. Documents were made available, library facilities were at their disposal, and throughout every hour of the trial they were afforded every opportunity to answer every charge.’ As others and I have reported, the procedures at Guantanamo — by glaring contrast — are the very opposite of those at Nuremberg...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 12. Mär, 10:43