Funding foreign military while dumping on American veterans
by Devvy Kidd
How many times do we hear politicians say how much they respect our active duty military and honor our veterans? From presidents to members of Congress since 911, it's become a staple of Washington, DC., double speak. The reality is far different. Not only have the same elected officials lied and dragged the American people into one war after another we didn't want, they have betrayed those who do come home. Three sitting presidents in a row, Bush, Sr., Clinton and Bush, Jr., have allowed the use of depleted uranium to kill not only the indigenous population of Iraq, but our own........
How many times do we hear politicians say how much they respect our active duty military and honor our veterans? From presidents to members of Congress since 911, it's become a staple of Washington, DC., double speak. The reality is far different. Not only have the same elected officials lied and dragged the American people into one war after another we didn't want, they have betrayed those who do come home. Three sitting presidents in a row, Bush, Sr., Clinton and Bush, Jr., have allowed the use of depleted uranium to kill not only the indigenous population of Iraq, but our own........
rudkla - 13. Mär, 08:24