The good cop and bad cop of world government
Strike the Root
by Anthony Gregory
An irony is that in recent years, the United Nations has at times appeared to be downright decent compared to the US empire. Most conspicuously, the UN Security Council rejected the US war on Iraq, which has so far robbed a million people of their lives and many more of their homes and liberties, bringing about one of the greatest human tragedies in modern times. The UN thus appears to be a force for peace, but when we look deeper, we see something sinister. The US waged that war in supposed defense of UN resolutions. The UN’s credibility was exploited to back up American aggression, even as the organization was impotent to stop the war it nominally opposed. And the bottom line is, when the UN and US supposedly conflict, the UN never really wins. American conservatives worry about American sovereignty. They fear a future where the UN strips America of its guns, wealth and Constitution. So we need US power to, at a minimum, protect us and our national sovereignty from the UN. Not very likely...
Why does the whole world hate the United States?
Nolan Chart
by Kenn Jacobine
Last month, while discussing the turmoil in Serbia and the assault on the U.S. Embassy, with my class, one of my eighth graders, a Dutch student, asked, ‘why does the whole world hate the United States?’ I thought for a minute and then realized that the whole world does not hate the United States, quite the contrary, they simply hate our government. I must say it is with good reason...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Anthony Gregory
An irony is that in recent years, the United Nations has at times appeared to be downright decent compared to the US empire. Most conspicuously, the UN Security Council rejected the US war on Iraq, which has so far robbed a million people of their lives and many more of their homes and liberties, bringing about one of the greatest human tragedies in modern times. The UN thus appears to be a force for peace, but when we look deeper, we see something sinister. The US waged that war in supposed defense of UN resolutions. The UN’s credibility was exploited to back up American aggression, even as the organization was impotent to stop the war it nominally opposed. And the bottom line is, when the UN and US supposedly conflict, the UN never really wins. American conservatives worry about American sovereignty. They fear a future where the UN strips America of its guns, wealth and Constitution. So we need US power to, at a minimum, protect us and our national sovereignty from the UN. Not very likely...
Why does the whole world hate the United States?
Nolan Chart
by Kenn Jacobine
Last month, while discussing the turmoil in Serbia and the assault on the U.S. Embassy, with my class, one of my eighth graders, a Dutch student, asked, ‘why does the whole world hate the United States?’ I thought for a minute and then realized that the whole world does not hate the United States, quite the contrary, they simply hate our government. I must say it is with good reason...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 13. Mär, 13:02