Estimate: 120 Veteran Suicides Per Week
Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA): "The Truth About Veteran Suicides"
VA confirms 18 vets commit suicide every day
In a stunning admission, top officials at the Veterans Health Administration confirmed that the agency's own statistics show that an average of 126 veterans per week -- 6,552 veterans per year -- commit suicide, according to an internal email distributed to several VA officials.
US: Vets' Lawsuit Opens Door on Suicides, Poor Care
"The suicide problem is out of control," said Gordon Erspamer, an attorney representing the groups Veterans for Common Sense and Veterans United for Truth in a class action lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). "Our veterans deserve better."
From Information Clearing House
"VA Lying About Number of Veteran Suicides"
Writing for McClatchy Newspapers, Les Blumenthal writes: "The Veterans Administration has lied about the number of veterans who've attempted suicide, a senator charged Wednesday, citing internal e-mails that put the number at 12,000 a year when the department was publicly saying it was fewer than 800."
Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA): "The Truth About Veteran Suicides"
VA confirms 18 vets commit suicide every day
In a stunning admission, top officials at the Veterans Health Administration confirmed that the agency's own statistics show that an average of 126 veterans per week -- 6,552 veterans per year -- commit suicide, according to an internal email distributed to several VA officials.
US: Vets' Lawsuit Opens Door on Suicides, Poor Care
"The suicide problem is out of control," said Gordon Erspamer, an attorney representing the groups Veterans for Common Sense and Veterans United for Truth in a class action lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). "Our veterans deserve better."
From Information Clearing House
"VA Lying About Number of Veteran Suicides"
Writing for McClatchy Newspapers, Les Blumenthal writes: "The Veterans Administration has lied about the number of veterans who've attempted suicide, a senator charged Wednesday, citing internal e-mails that put the number at 12,000 a year when the department was publicly saying it was fewer than 800."
rudkla - 25. Mär, 23:05