There was branding to be done if Bush’s legacy and signature foreign policy program were to be salvaged
It’s a number
by William Rivers Pitt
Clearly, there was branding to be done if Bush’s legacy and signature foreign policy program were to be salvaged. Thus, those same linguistic wizards from the White House who came up with the ‘Clear Skies Initiative’ label to disguise both the comprehensive deregulation of environmental protections and the carnival of unbridled pollution it produced; those same wizards who duped everyone including Teddy Kennedy into believing ‘No Child Left Behind’ was anything other than a bonfire lit beneath public education standards; those same wizards who deployed comments like ‘plastic sheeting and duct tape’ and ‘Islamofascist’ and ‘Bring ‘em on’ to make sure everyone was afraid, aggressive and ignorant in equal measure; those same wizards who convinced Americans things like privacy and liberty and rights and the Constitution were quaint and dangerous anachronisms we need to abandon before the terrorists use them to destroy America; those same wizards were also able to gloss over the escalation of a hopeless war with another vacant, vapid and now-ubiquitous euphemism known as ‘The Surge’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by William Rivers Pitt
Clearly, there was branding to be done if Bush’s legacy and signature foreign policy program were to be salvaged. Thus, those same linguistic wizards from the White House who came up with the ‘Clear Skies Initiative’ label to disguise both the comprehensive deregulation of environmental protections and the carnival of unbridled pollution it produced; those same wizards who duped everyone including Teddy Kennedy into believing ‘No Child Left Behind’ was anything other than a bonfire lit beneath public education standards; those same wizards who deployed comments like ‘plastic sheeting and duct tape’ and ‘Islamofascist’ and ‘Bring ‘em on’ to make sure everyone was afraid, aggressive and ignorant in equal measure; those same wizards who convinced Americans things like privacy and liberty and rights and the Constitution were quaint and dangerous anachronisms we need to abandon before the terrorists use them to destroy America; those same wizards were also able to gloss over the escalation of a hopeless war with another vacant, vapid and now-ubiquitous euphemism known as ‘The Surge’...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 26. Mär, 10:53