Why Americans Are Bitter
By Mary Pitt
We lose our jobs, we lose our homes, we lose our sons in the war without end, and now many of us are losing our tempers! Some are old enough to remember the miseries of the Great Depression and we feel another one coming on as history is repeating itself.
Bitter? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
Obama, Bitterness, Meet the Press, and the Old Politics
By Robert Reich
We're heading into the worst economic crisis in a half century or more. Many of the Americans who have been getting nowhere for decades are in even deeper trouble. Large numbers of people in Pennsylvania and across the nation are losing their homes and losing their jobs, and the situation is likely to grow worse.
Bitter? You should be!
The Nation
by Nicholas von Hoffman
Last week Barack Obama, destiny’s tot, suggested blue-collar Americans are feeling bitter about their financial condition, which has been on a bit of a decline during the last five, ten, fifteen, twenty years or so. Rival politicians immediately pounced and they’ve been whaling on him ever since. How dare Obama suggest people are bitter? Americans are not bitter! Americans are happy, proud, peppy, content and optimistic! Maybe. But if millions of them are not bitter and/or angry at this point, there is probably something wrong with them...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Wage That Meant Middle Class
In The New York Times, Louis Uchitelle says, "Whatever Senator Barack Obama meant by his less than artful remarks about small-town Pennsylvanians 'bitter' over lost jobs, he certainly turned a lot of attention last week to the decline of the American worker, bitter or not."
We lose our jobs, we lose our homes, we lose our sons in the war without end, and now many of us are losing our tempers! Some are old enough to remember the miseries of the Great Depression and we feel another one coming on as history is repeating itself.
Bitter? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
Obama, Bitterness, Meet the Press, and the Old Politics
By Robert Reich
We're heading into the worst economic crisis in a half century or more. Many of the Americans who have been getting nowhere for decades are in even deeper trouble. Large numbers of people in Pennsylvania and across the nation are losing their homes and losing their jobs, and the situation is likely to grow worse.
Bitter? You should be!
The Nation
by Nicholas von Hoffman
Last week Barack Obama, destiny’s tot, suggested blue-collar Americans are feeling bitter about their financial condition, which has been on a bit of a decline during the last five, ten, fifteen, twenty years or so. Rival politicians immediately pounced and they’ve been whaling on him ever since. How dare Obama suggest people are bitter? Americans are not bitter! Americans are happy, proud, peppy, content and optimistic! Maybe. But if millions of them are not bitter and/or angry at this point, there is probably something wrong with them...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The Wage That Meant Middle Class
In The New York Times, Louis Uchitelle says, "Whatever Senator Barack Obama meant by his less than artful remarks about small-town Pennsylvanians 'bitter' over lost jobs, he certainly turned a lot of attention last week to the decline of the American worker, bitter or not."
rudkla - 14. Apr, 09:41