Officials say Israel could not attack Iran without US support
Israeli defense officials have told local media they are concerned that Israel is being used as a pawn by rival factions in the White House.
Britain must act to prevent an attack on Iran
All the evidence suggests that an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear sites would be a disaster for the greater Middle East, for the world economy and for western security. It would not even benefit Israel, which is adequately protected by its own nuclear deterrent.
Living forever by bombardment
Every time some Middle Eastern country tries to obtain nuclear weapons, Israel will bomb it. Bomb - and bombard. Beyond the problematic assumption that we are allowed to do what others are not allowed, and what is secure in our hands is dangerous in the hands of others, this kind of conduct will lead to disaster.
Learning From Past Blunders
By Paul Barratt
The US in particular - has been highly selective in its outrage about nuclear proliferation. The force of the proposition that any proliferation whatsoever is unacceptable has been undermined by an attitude that who was proliferating mattered more than the proliferation itself.
If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Mr. Bush is following in Reagan's footsteps. With Israeli military maneuvers threatening war and provoking Iran without any protest from the international community, Mr. Bush has ordered a naval buildup in the Persian Gulf for 'protecting' the safe flow of oil. No doubt, the U.S. navy will be hard at work provoking Iran and the tension caused will enable the U.S. to demand more 'protection money' from the Arab states.
From Information Clearing House
Britain must act to prevent an attack on Iran
All the evidence suggests that an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear sites would be a disaster for the greater Middle East, for the world economy and for western security. It would not even benefit Israel, which is adequately protected by its own nuclear deterrent.
Living forever by bombardment
Every time some Middle Eastern country tries to obtain nuclear weapons, Israel will bomb it. Bomb - and bombard. Beyond the problematic assumption that we are allowed to do what others are not allowed, and what is secure in our hands is dangerous in the hands of others, this kind of conduct will lead to disaster.
Learning From Past Blunders
By Paul Barratt
The US in particular - has been highly selective in its outrage about nuclear proliferation. The force of the proposition that any proliferation whatsoever is unacceptable has been undermined by an attitude that who was proliferating mattered more than the proliferation itself.
If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
Mr. Bush is following in Reagan's footsteps. With Israeli military maneuvers threatening war and provoking Iran without any protest from the international community, Mr. Bush has ordered a naval buildup in the Persian Gulf for 'protecting' the safe flow of oil. No doubt, the U.S. navy will be hard at work provoking Iran and the tension caused will enable the U.S. to demand more 'protection money' from the Arab states.
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 8. Jul, 08:53