U.S. Headed Toward Bankruptcy, Says Top Budget Committee Republican
By Terence P. Jeffrey
The ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee said the U.S. government is headed toward bankruptcy if it stays on its current fiscal course.
Our $100 Trillion National Debt
By Biby Bill Walkerll
The "official" debt of the United States is only around $10 trillion dollars as of August 6, 2008. This is a manageable number; we could pay it off in a few decades if we quit buying luxuries like food and clothing, and take a few other minor economy measures. Unfortunately, the "$10 trillion" number was produced by government accounting, which among other things allows one to ignore Social Security, Medicare, and the new prescription drug benefit. This is like ignoring rent, food, and utilities in your household budget. it will lead to a few bounced checks. Our real debt is about ten times higher.
Our Economic Malaise
The Fire This Time?
By David Michael Green
We stole from Native Americans within minutes of landing here, and never stopped until we'd grabbed all the land and resources we wanted, leaving them casinos and poverty in return. We harnessed yokes around Africans and imported them as if they were agricultural beasts of burden, and continued to do so for centuries. We built our economic accomplishments on the backs of near-slave immigrant laborers, from Chinese coolies to Mexican wetbacks, along with Irish, Italian, German, Jewish and a whole lot of other nationalities in-between
Why TV News in the US is Utter Rubbish
By Kieren McCarthy
It's not just that world events are ignored in favour of celebrity gossip. News anchors skew the facts to provoke debate.
The ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee said the U.S. government is headed toward bankruptcy if it stays on its current fiscal course.
Our $100 Trillion National Debt
By Biby Bill Walkerll
The "official" debt of the United States is only around $10 trillion dollars as of August 6, 2008. This is a manageable number; we could pay it off in a few decades if we quit buying luxuries like food and clothing, and take a few other minor economy measures. Unfortunately, the "$10 trillion" number was produced by government accounting, which among other things allows one to ignore Social Security, Medicare, and the new prescription drug benefit. This is like ignoring rent, food, and utilities in your household budget. it will lead to a few bounced checks. Our real debt is about ten times higher.
Our Economic Malaise
The Fire This Time?
By David Michael Green
We stole from Native Americans within minutes of landing here, and never stopped until we'd grabbed all the land and resources we wanted, leaving them casinos and poverty in return. We harnessed yokes around Africans and imported them as if they were agricultural beasts of burden, and continued to do so for centuries. We built our economic accomplishments on the backs of near-slave immigrant laborers, from Chinese coolies to Mexican wetbacks, along with Irish, Italian, German, Jewish and a whole lot of other nationalities in-between
Why TV News in the US is Utter Rubbish
By Kieren McCarthy
It's not just that world events are ignored in favour of celebrity gossip. News anchors skew the facts to provoke debate.
rudkla - 9. Aug, 12:58