Georgian Crisis Is a Trap for U.S. Leadership
By Fyodor Lukyanov
This may sound strange, since most people consider U.S. President George W. Bush's foreign policy to be extremely ideological. After all, the global advancement of democracy has been his principal credo for nearly eight years. In practice, however, exporting democracy is less an ideology than it is realpolitik at its core -- an instrument for attaining geopolitical dominance around the globe.
Bush to Putin, "Get out now!". Putin to Bush, "Nyet!"
By Mike Whitney
Bush isn't going to send American troops in South Ossetia. No way. This is a man who won't peep his head out of the White House without 8,000 armed guards shadowing his every move and a small squadron of Apache Helicopters flying overhead. A guy like that isn't about to take on the Russian army. Forget about it. Bush will do all his fighting from the safety of the Executive Media Center where he can duck behind the Presidential podium if a car backfires on Pennsylvania Ave. That's his kind of fighting.
Russia's Success in Caucasus is Bad News for Washington
Moscow has demonstrated to Washington that it remains master of its destiny; that it remains unafraid of the hyper-power of the United States, which is allied to Georgia. The Russians did not hesitate to point out that the U.S. administration of President George W. Bush has no moral lessons whatsoever to give to Russia.
Putin Can't Afford to Back Down
By Mike Whitney
The last thing Putin wants is a nuclear standoff with the United States. But he will not shirk from his responsibilities either. If the Missile Defense system is deployed, Putin will be forced to raise the stakes and send warplanes over the construction site. That is the logical first-step that any responsible leader would take before removing the site altogether.
Clash in the Caucasus: Rolling Back The "Unipolar" World
By Mike Whitney
The battle-lines have been drawn, the fleet has been deployed, and the armies are being moved into place.
This may sound strange, since most people consider U.S. President George W. Bush's foreign policy to be extremely ideological. After all, the global advancement of democracy has been his principal credo for nearly eight years. In practice, however, exporting democracy is less an ideology than it is realpolitik at its core -- an instrument for attaining geopolitical dominance around the globe.
Bush to Putin, "Get out now!". Putin to Bush, "Nyet!"
By Mike Whitney
Bush isn't going to send American troops in South Ossetia. No way. This is a man who won't peep his head out of the White House without 8,000 armed guards shadowing his every move and a small squadron of Apache Helicopters flying overhead. A guy like that isn't about to take on the Russian army. Forget about it. Bush will do all his fighting from the safety of the Executive Media Center where he can duck behind the Presidential podium if a car backfires on Pennsylvania Ave. That's his kind of fighting.
Russia's Success in Caucasus is Bad News for Washington
Moscow has demonstrated to Washington that it remains master of its destiny; that it remains unafraid of the hyper-power of the United States, which is allied to Georgia. The Russians did not hesitate to point out that the U.S. administration of President George W. Bush has no moral lessons whatsoever to give to Russia.
Putin Can't Afford to Back Down
By Mike Whitney
The last thing Putin wants is a nuclear standoff with the United States. But he will not shirk from his responsibilities either. If the Missile Defense system is deployed, Putin will be forced to raise the stakes and send warplanes over the construction site. That is the logical first-step that any responsible leader would take before removing the site altogether.
Clash in the Caucasus: Rolling Back The "Unipolar" World
By Mike Whitney
The battle-lines have been drawn, the fleet has been deployed, and the armies are being moved into place.
rudkla - 22. Aug, 08:20