An Anatomy of Collateral Damage in the Bush Era
The Value of One, the Value of None: An Anatomy of Collateral Damage in the Bush Era
Tom Engelhardt, "We have no idea just how many civilians have been blown away by the US military (and allies) in these years, only that the 'collateral damage' has been widespread and far more central to the president's War on Terror than anyone here generally cares to acknowledge. Collateral damage has come in myriad ways - from artillery fire in the initial invasion of Iraq; from repeated shootings of civilians in vehicles at checkpoints, and from troops (or even private mercenaries) blasting away from convoys; during raids on private homes; in village operations, and, significantly, from the air."
Tom Engelhardt, "We have no idea just how many civilians have been blown away by the US military (and allies) in these years, only that the 'collateral damage' has been widespread and far more central to the president's War on Terror than anyone here generally cares to acknowledge. Collateral damage has come in myriad ways - from artillery fire in the initial invasion of Iraq; from repeated shootings of civilians in vehicles at checkpoints, and from troops (or even private mercenaries) blasting away from convoys; during raids on private homes; in village operations, and, significantly, from the air."
rudkla - 12. Sep, 05:38