Truth be told, Iraq is still a living hell
Neither the White House nor the McCain campaign will tell you any of this. Without saying so explicitly, the Republicans leave the impression that Iraq is now a nearly pacific place. But let's look at the actual statistics for September - as compiled for the Brookings Institution's Iraq Index.
Iraq demands all US troops out by 2011
The Iraqi Cabinet today gave Nouri al-Maliki, the Prime Minister, approval to submit a series of proposed amendments to the US side for further negotiation. The changes would eliminate any possibility of the US military staying in the country for more than another three years, according to the source.
U.S. unlikely to accept revised Iraq security pact
The amendments would give Iraqi authorities the right to determine whether a U.S. service member was on- or off-duty when he or she committed an alleged crime outside American bases, where such an American would be tried. It also would allow authorities to inspect all U.S. cargo entering the nation.
Iraq says delayed U.S. forces deal must ban strikes on neighbours
Amendments sought by Iraq to a security pact with the United States would ban U.S. forces from striking neighbouring countries from Iraqi territory, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said on Wednesday.
From Information Clearing House
Iraq demands all US troops out by 2011
The Iraqi Cabinet today gave Nouri al-Maliki, the Prime Minister, approval to submit a series of proposed amendments to the US side for further negotiation. The changes would eliminate any possibility of the US military staying in the country for more than another three years, according to the source.
U.S. unlikely to accept revised Iraq security pact
The amendments would give Iraqi authorities the right to determine whether a U.S. service member was on- or off-duty when he or she committed an alleged crime outside American bases, where such an American would be tried. It also would allow authorities to inspect all U.S. cargo entering the nation.
Iraq says delayed U.S. forces deal must ban strikes on neighbours
Amendments sought by Iraq to a security pact with the United States would ban U.S. forces from striking neighbouring countries from Iraqi territory, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said on Wednesday.
From Information Clearing House
rudkla - 29. Okt, 22:37