George W. Bush, the certain loser of this election
Bush has successfully linked the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan to his so-called "war on terror"
By Ron Jacobs
The Bush administration has successfully linked the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan to their so-called "war on terror." By doing so, they can do whatever they want.
Nowhere Man
A Farewell to Dubya, All-Time Loser in Presidential History
By Simon Schama
Where, O where are you, Dubya? Are you sweating it out on the treadmill, hurt and confused as to why the man everyone wanted to have a beer (or Coke) with, who swept to re-election four years ago, has been downgraded to all-time loser in presidential history, stuck there in the bush leagues along with the likes of James Buchanan and Warren Harding?
They've squandered lives, fortunes and our sacred honor
High tide arrived with the unlikeliest occupant of the Oval Office in our history, the beady-eyed, smirking, tongue-tied, counterfeit cowboy George W. Bush, and a Congress that after 9-11 was run by runaway Republicans who were too busy enriching themselves and their friends to care what their president was doing to the country, the Constitution and even their own party.
Bush's Last 100 Days the Ones to Watch
By Jesse Jackson
Bush and Vice President Cheney represent a failed conservative era -- and they know it. As the administration moves into its last 100 days, there seems to be a flurry of activity: regulations to forestall Obama's new era of accountability; a flood of contracts to reward friends and lock in commitments; a Wall Street bailout that is pumping money out the door.
From Information Clearing House
Bush Team Rushes Environment Policy Changes
The certain loser this election
by Steve Chapman
Regardless of what the polls say, it’s not clear who is going to win the presidential race. But it is clear who is going to lose: George W. Bush. If this contest proves anything, it’s that the electorate is sick of him and eager for someone very different. They might even prefer the candidate they elected in 2000. The one who promised to be ‘a uniter, not a divider.’ Who said he would ‘call for responsibility and try to live it as well.’ Who said the United States should be ‘a humble nation.’ Who faulted Al Gore for plotting to enlarge the government...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The End of a Subprime Administration — Whatever his failures, Bush always walked away from disastrous dealings enriched, while others were left holding the bag. Now, he will leave a country functionally under the gun of foreclosure, a world far more aflame and dangerous than the one he faced on entering the Oval Office. But he won't suffer. This is how a legacy-student-turned-president fails upward. Every disaster leaves him better off. The same can't be said for the country or the world, saddled with his "legacy."
By Ron Jacobs
The Bush administration has successfully linked the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan to their so-called "war on terror." By doing so, they can do whatever they want.
Nowhere Man
A Farewell to Dubya, All-Time Loser in Presidential History
By Simon Schama
Where, O where are you, Dubya? Are you sweating it out on the treadmill, hurt and confused as to why the man everyone wanted to have a beer (or Coke) with, who swept to re-election four years ago, has been downgraded to all-time loser in presidential history, stuck there in the bush leagues along with the likes of James Buchanan and Warren Harding?
They've squandered lives, fortunes and our sacred honor
High tide arrived with the unlikeliest occupant of the Oval Office in our history, the beady-eyed, smirking, tongue-tied, counterfeit cowboy George W. Bush, and a Congress that after 9-11 was run by runaway Republicans who were too busy enriching themselves and their friends to care what their president was doing to the country, the Constitution and even their own party.
Bush's Last 100 Days the Ones to Watch
By Jesse Jackson
Bush and Vice President Cheney represent a failed conservative era -- and they know it. As the administration moves into its last 100 days, there seems to be a flurry of activity: regulations to forestall Obama's new era of accountability; a flood of contracts to reward friends and lock in commitments; a Wall Street bailout that is pumping money out the door.
From Information Clearing House
Bush Team Rushes Environment Policy Changes
The certain loser this election
by Steve Chapman
Regardless of what the polls say, it’s not clear who is going to win the presidential race. But it is clear who is going to lose: George W. Bush. If this contest proves anything, it’s that the electorate is sick of him and eager for someone very different. They might even prefer the candidate they elected in 2000. The one who promised to be ‘a uniter, not a divider.’ Who said he would ‘call for responsibility and try to live it as well.’ Who said the United States should be ‘a humble nation.’ Who faulted Al Gore for plotting to enlarge the government...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
The End of a Subprime Administration — Whatever his failures, Bush always walked away from disastrous dealings enriched, while others were left holding the bag. Now, he will leave a country functionally under the gun of foreclosure, a world far more aflame and dangerous than the one he faced on entering the Oval Office. But he won't suffer. This is how a legacy-student-turned-president fails upward. Every disaster leaves him better off. The same can't be said for the country or the world, saddled with his "legacy."
rudkla - 4. Nov, 09:31