Buy, buy, buy
by Michael Gaddy
While we stumble along economically with bailouts, buyouts, and poor sales in almost all sectors, two products in America are seeing dramatic increases in sales: guns and ammo. People who never owned a gun before are buying; people are buying multiples of military style weapons and ammo is being bought by the case instead of by the box. Many explain this away as folks simply worried that Obama will move to ban certain firearms, especially those referred to by the ignorant as ‘assault weapons,’ I believe the motivation to buy firearms and ammunition goes much deeper. More and more Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the storm that is brewing on the horizon, a storm driven by the possibility of a complete economic collapse. The more astute are reading the handwriting on the wall: military combat units being assigned for stateside duty to quell domestic disturbances, a militarization of law enforcement, and the fear of what will happen when the state is no longer able to provide monthly checks to the millions currently living on government handouts labeled as ‘entitlements’...
The death of trust
Richter Report
by Jim Richter
Do not think for one minute that a fiat currency/fractional reserve banking system is without consequences for any society which adopts it. To the contrary, such systems are violative of the ancient doctrine that one must use only honest weights and measures when conducting business. Fiat currency is not a system of honest weights and measures. Other than the configuration of the ink on the paper, a $100 bill is no different than a $1 bill. Both can be created at virtually no cost, and both have no real capacity to serve as a store of value. This is why fiat currency has such a corrosive effect upon all aspects of a society, especially in the area of morals and ethics. This is why our fiat currency system is the antithesis of the monetary framework which Jefferson and Madison intended for us...
Reversal of fortune
Intellectual Conservative
by Bernie Reeves
Instead of lift-off to recovery, the ‘bail-out’ has left the rocket on the launch pad all gassed and nowhere to go. Banks are holding dollars our financial grandees proffered (derived from our taxes), the stock market is looking more like a Keno Board than an investment option, interest rates are so low no one can save money (and whatever happened to compound interest anyway?) and the cash you place in a bank is a deteriorating asset eroded by inflation anyway. And underneath any option the dazed citizens chooses there lurks some of the sleaziest and incompetent financial manipulators since the Italian bankers of the Renaissance. In other words, you can’t trust anyone anymore. And now you see why Christians were forbidden to lend money for centuries. Money made off money — when there is no tangible product created — creates an immoral edifice of greed and unethical behavior. At least the automakers actually produce something, yet our financial elite stated firmly the “bail-out” was for financial institutions only...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Michael Gaddy
While we stumble along economically with bailouts, buyouts, and poor sales in almost all sectors, two products in America are seeing dramatic increases in sales: guns and ammo. People who never owned a gun before are buying; people are buying multiples of military style weapons and ammo is being bought by the case instead of by the box. Many explain this away as folks simply worried that Obama will move to ban certain firearms, especially those referred to by the ignorant as ‘assault weapons,’ I believe the motivation to buy firearms and ammunition goes much deeper. More and more Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the storm that is brewing on the horizon, a storm driven by the possibility of a complete economic collapse. The more astute are reading the handwriting on the wall: military combat units being assigned for stateside duty to quell domestic disturbances, a militarization of law enforcement, and the fear of what will happen when the state is no longer able to provide monthly checks to the millions currently living on government handouts labeled as ‘entitlements’...
The death of trust
Richter Report
by Jim Richter
Do not think for one minute that a fiat currency/fractional reserve banking system is without consequences for any society which adopts it. To the contrary, such systems are violative of the ancient doctrine that one must use only honest weights and measures when conducting business. Fiat currency is not a system of honest weights and measures. Other than the configuration of the ink on the paper, a $100 bill is no different than a $1 bill. Both can be created at virtually no cost, and both have no real capacity to serve as a store of value. This is why fiat currency has such a corrosive effect upon all aspects of a society, especially in the area of morals and ethics. This is why our fiat currency system is the antithesis of the monetary framework which Jefferson and Madison intended for us...
Reversal of fortune
Intellectual Conservative
by Bernie Reeves
Instead of lift-off to recovery, the ‘bail-out’ has left the rocket on the launch pad all gassed and nowhere to go. Banks are holding dollars our financial grandees proffered (derived from our taxes), the stock market is looking more like a Keno Board than an investment option, interest rates are so low no one can save money (and whatever happened to compound interest anyway?) and the cash you place in a bank is a deteriorating asset eroded by inflation anyway. And underneath any option the dazed citizens chooses there lurks some of the sleaziest and incompetent financial manipulators since the Italian bankers of the Renaissance. In other words, you can’t trust anyone anymore. And now you see why Christians were forbidden to lend money for centuries. Money made off money — when there is no tangible product created — creates an immoral edifice of greed and unethical behavior. At least the automakers actually produce something, yet our financial elite stated firmly the “bail-out” was for financial institutions only...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 6. Jan, 10:42