The great inauguration bailout
by Garry Reed
After warning in a recent speech that government (meaning the taxpaying public) is likely to be left with ‘trillion-dollar deficits for years to come’ you’d think the Man of Change would have arranged a simple ceremony in the Capitol rotunda where he could swear on the Bible to ‘observe and protect the Constitution’ (which every oath-taker immediately ignores) and have done with it. But, no. It’s the same old political party partying as usual...
Whose money is it, anyway?
Fox News
by John R. Lott, Jr.
Barack Obama claims that the House of Representatives’ new stimulus plan is needed to save the economy. Democrats promise to be ‘creating or saving of four million jobs.’ News media report in all seriousness: ‘The democrats vow no earmarks or special projects will be attached to the bill. The focus is on jobs.’ Also ‘more than 90 percent of the jobs created are likely to be in the private sector.’ Unfortunately, though, the $825 billion ’stimulus’ package has nothing to do with creating or saving jobs — it has everything to do with moving jobs from industries that Democrats don’t like to industries that they do. The ’stimulus’ package is just a wish list of every government program that liberal Democrats have long wanted. As Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of staff, announced after the election last fall: Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste. They are opportunities to do big things...,2933,480710,00.html
Why all the hoopla over Obama’s inauguration?
Nolan Chart
by Christine Smith
Obama doesn’t care about freedom — not yours as an American, and certainly not that of foreigners. He is neither benevolent or enlightened. So what’s to celebrate? The hopeful image of a United States with a president who cares about peace and justice has served its purpose — it got him elected. The American people, in looking for their own ‘benevolent dictator,’ don’t trust themselves. In choosing Obama they’ve said they’d rather the government take their money since it will better know how to spend it for them. And take it he will...
The peaceful transfer of violent power
Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman
At the risk of raining on the parade, I suggest that the inaugural festivities are not what they appear. Barack Obama says the pomp and circumstance are not about him but are a celebration of democracy. ‘For the forty-third time, we will execute the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the next,’ he said. He’s right, but not quite as he meant it. The peaceful transition from the Bush to the Obama regime is indeed the occasion, but let’s focus on exactly what is being transferred...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
ANP: Fed Lends Two Trillion Without Oversight
by Garry Reed
After warning in a recent speech that government (meaning the taxpaying public) is likely to be left with ‘trillion-dollar deficits for years to come’ you’d think the Man of Change would have arranged a simple ceremony in the Capitol rotunda where he could swear on the Bible to ‘observe and protect the Constitution’ (which every oath-taker immediately ignores) and have done with it. But, no. It’s the same old political party partying as usual...
Whose money is it, anyway?
Fox News
by John R. Lott, Jr.
Barack Obama claims that the House of Representatives’ new stimulus plan is needed to save the economy. Democrats promise to be ‘creating or saving of four million jobs.’ News media report in all seriousness: ‘The democrats vow no earmarks or special projects will be attached to the bill. The focus is on jobs.’ Also ‘more than 90 percent of the jobs created are likely to be in the private sector.’ Unfortunately, though, the $825 billion ’stimulus’ package has nothing to do with creating or saving jobs — it has everything to do with moving jobs from industries that Democrats don’t like to industries that they do. The ’stimulus’ package is just a wish list of every government program that liberal Democrats have long wanted. As Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of staff, announced after the election last fall: Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste. They are opportunities to do big things...,2933,480710,00.html
Why all the hoopla over Obama’s inauguration?
Nolan Chart
by Christine Smith
Obama doesn’t care about freedom — not yours as an American, and certainly not that of foreigners. He is neither benevolent or enlightened. So what’s to celebrate? The hopeful image of a United States with a president who cares about peace and justice has served its purpose — it got him elected. The American people, in looking for their own ‘benevolent dictator,’ don’t trust themselves. In choosing Obama they’ve said they’d rather the government take their money since it will better know how to spend it for them. And take it he will...
The peaceful transfer of violent power
Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman
At the risk of raining on the parade, I suggest that the inaugural festivities are not what they appear. Barack Obama says the pomp and circumstance are not about him but are a celebration of democracy. ‘For the forty-third time, we will execute the peaceful transfer of power from one president to the next,’ he said. He’s right, but not quite as he meant it. The peaceful transition from the Bush to the Obama regime is indeed the occasion, but let’s focus on exactly what is being transferred...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
ANP: Fed Lends Two Trillion Without Oversight
rudkla - 20. Jan, 09:01