The Obamateur hour
National Review
by Mark Steyn
Few pieces of political ‘wisdom’ are more tediously recycled than a well-retailed bon mot of British prime minister Harold Macmillan. Asked what he feared most in the months ahead, he gave an amused Edwardian response: ‘Events, dear boy, events.’ In other words, you can plan all you want but next month, next year, some guy off the radar screen will launch a war, or there’ll be an earthquake, or something. Governments get thrown off course by ‘events.’ It suggests a perverse kind of genius that the 44th president did not wait for a single ‘event’ to throw him off course. Instead he threw himself off …
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Mark Steyn
Few pieces of political ‘wisdom’ are more tediously recycled than a well-retailed bon mot of British prime minister Harold Macmillan. Asked what he feared most in the months ahead, he gave an amused Edwardian response: ‘Events, dear boy, events.’ In other words, you can plan all you want but next month, next year, some guy off the radar screen will launch a war, or there’ll be an earthquake, or something. Governments get thrown off course by ‘events.’ It suggests a perverse kind of genius that the 44th president did not wait for a single ‘event’ to throw him off course. Instead he threw himself off …
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 16. Feb, 10:32