Sandwell Gateway Icon
Your help required urgently if you travel through Junction 9 on the M6, Wednesbury.
Sandwell council have received a revised planning application for the "Sandwell Gateway Icon".
The original application contained a section which included at least two mobile telephone mast systems to be howsed within the structure. Application DC/08/50100.
The recent application has dropped this part. It is our contention that this will enable the structure to stand more chance of being approved, and then at a later date the masts will be installed as there would then be no reason to reject on the grounds of loss of amenity or eyesore etc, as the antenna would be enclosed within the structure and not be seen.
Briefly the Icon will be an 80 meters long and 75 meteres high 3D advertising edific which will be lit up 24/7. A monstrosity.
You can view details at the following sandwell web site:-
We would appreciate any assistance you can give by objecting to this application (DC/09/5641A) on the grounds of safety, or for anyone who lives in the area, eyesore and loss of amenity etc. at
The original application was withdrawn, as the developer had a 500 name petition submitted to planning, including w-a-r-t and other residents written objections.
It is vital that if you do object as travellers or visitors to the area that your objections are sent BEFORE APRIL 8th.
Thanks in advance
Peter & Ann Mobley
Sandwell council have received a revised planning application for the "Sandwell Gateway Icon".
The original application contained a section which included at least two mobile telephone mast systems to be howsed within the structure. Application DC/08/50100.
The recent application has dropped this part. It is our contention that this will enable the structure to stand more chance of being approved, and then at a later date the masts will be installed as there would then be no reason to reject on the grounds of loss of amenity or eyesore etc, as the antenna would be enclosed within the structure and not be seen.
Briefly the Icon will be an 80 meters long and 75 meteres high 3D advertising edific which will be lit up 24/7. A monstrosity.
You can view details at the following sandwell web site:-
We would appreciate any assistance you can give by objecting to this application (DC/09/5641A) on the grounds of safety, or for anyone who lives in the area, eyesore and loss of amenity etc. at
The original application was withdrawn, as the developer had a 500 name petition submitted to planning, including w-a-r-t and other residents written objections.
It is vital that if you do object as travellers or visitors to the area that your objections are sent BEFORE APRIL 8th.
Thanks in advance
Peter & Ann Mobley
rudkla - 2. Apr, 18:20