Ice-Free Arctic Ocean Possible in 30 Years
Not 90 as Previously Estimated
ScienceDaily: "A nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean in the summer may happen three times sooner than scientists have estimated. New research says the Arctic might lose most of its ice cover in summer in as few as 30 years instead of the end of the century."
Study: Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Expected
Experts: 'Unlikely' World Will Meet Global Warming Goals
NASA images show thinning Arctic sea ice
CNet New
Arctic sea ice is not only shrinking in coverage area; it’s also thinning, according to a report and satellite images jointly released on Monday by NASA and the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado. The Arctic basin is covered in a thick semipermanent sea ice, which is covered in thin seasonal ice caps that are built up each winter, only to melt away again each summer. The 2009 Arctic summer-melting season is starting out with a substantial amount of thin seasonal ice and an unusually small amount of the thick sea ice, making it more vulnerable to melting, according to the NSIDC’s report...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
ScienceDaily: "A nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean in the summer may happen three times sooner than scientists have estimated. New research says the Arctic might lose most of its ice cover in summer in as few as 30 years instead of the end of the century."
Study: Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Expected
Experts: 'Unlikely' World Will Meet Global Warming Goals
NASA images show thinning Arctic sea ice
CNet New
Arctic sea ice is not only shrinking in coverage area; it’s also thinning, according to a report and satellite images jointly released on Monday by NASA and the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado. The Arctic basin is covered in a thick semipermanent sea ice, which is covered in thin seasonal ice caps that are built up each winter, only to melt away again each summer. The 2009 Arctic summer-melting season is starting out with a substantial amount of thin seasonal ice and an unusually small amount of the thick sea ice, making it more vulnerable to melting, according to the NSIDC’s report...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 4. Apr, 06:21