Verdict on the G20
Adam Smith Institute
by Dr. Eamonn Butler
Oh, what a circus! Oh what a show! But after diverting London’s traffic, 85,000 police hours and a lot of our cash from more useful destinations, what good has come of the G20? Not a lot. For a start, they obviously couldn’t agree on a financial stimulus package. Thank goodness there is someone out there who figures, unlike Gordon Brown, that you can’t borrow your way out of debt. Or tax you[r] way out, for that matter...
The G(rasping)-20
Foundation for Economic Education
by Sheldon Richman
We expected little of sense to come out of the G-20 summit, and it met our expectations with flying colors. When you don’t understand how the economy got into a mess, you are not likely to understand how it can get out. Politicians either can’t or won’t graps the key fact: ‘the free market’ did not cause our problems. How do we know this? It’s logic: the nonexistent cannot be the cause of anything. I’d like someone to show me this free market that brought on all the current turmoil. Please...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
It's the Global Economy (Stupid) - or Is It?
Mark Weisbrot, The Guardian UK: "'This is the day that the world came together, to fight back against the global recession. Not with words but a plan for global recovery and for reform and with a clear timetable,' said UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the end of the G-20 Summit last week."
by Dr. Eamonn Butler
Oh, what a circus! Oh what a show! But after diverting London’s traffic, 85,000 police hours and a lot of our cash from more useful destinations, what good has come of the G20? Not a lot. For a start, they obviously couldn’t agree on a financial stimulus package. Thank goodness there is someone out there who figures, unlike Gordon Brown, that you can’t borrow your way out of debt. Or tax you[r] way out, for that matter...
The G(rasping)-20
Foundation for Economic Education
by Sheldon Richman
We expected little of sense to come out of the G-20 summit, and it met our expectations with flying colors. When you don’t understand how the economy got into a mess, you are not likely to understand how it can get out. Politicians either can’t or won’t graps the key fact: ‘the free market’ did not cause our problems. How do we know this? It’s logic: the nonexistent cannot be the cause of anything. I’d like someone to show me this free market that brought on all the current turmoil. Please...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
It's the Global Economy (Stupid) - or Is It?
Mark Weisbrot, The Guardian UK: "'This is the day that the world came together, to fight back against the global recession. Not with words but a plan for global recovery and for reform and with a clear timetable,' said UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the end of the G-20 Summit last week."
rudkla - 6. Apr, 09:09