US Dollar Skids to New Lows, Expect it to Continue
By Jennifer Shotts
This week so far, the dollar has fallen 4% against the British pound reaching a new low for 2009, 3% against the euro and Japanese yen, and also against the Canadian dollar. With major price levels being broken, many banks are reevaluating year end predictions for the euro vs. the dollar to reach $1.50 or higher. Is this going to be the new trend of 2009, dollar's death spiral? Here's some reasons why many say its time to chuck the buck:
Are Investors in the US and Abroad Losing Faith in the Dollar?
By Mark Trumbull
Are US debtors, from the federal government to the cash-strapped state of California, going to default? Will the Federal Reserve resort to inflation - debasing the value of dollar assets - in its efforts to lift a debt-bound economy back to growth?
This week so far, the dollar has fallen 4% against the British pound reaching a new low for 2009, 3% against the euro and Japanese yen, and also against the Canadian dollar. With major price levels being broken, many banks are reevaluating year end predictions for the euro vs. the dollar to reach $1.50 or higher. Is this going to be the new trend of 2009, dollar's death spiral? Here's some reasons why many say its time to chuck the buck:
Are Investors in the US and Abroad Losing Faith in the Dollar?
By Mark Trumbull
Are US debtors, from the federal government to the cash-strapped state of California, going to default? Will the Federal Reserve resort to inflation - debasing the value of dollar assets - in its efforts to lift a debt-bound economy back to growth?
rudkla - 24. Mai, 22:36