Cell phone tower sites stir a fuss
By Mike Deehan
Jun. 11, 2009
City Councillor Charles Yancey offered a strong condemnation of the lack of public process involved in the placement of cell phone antennas around the neighborhoods on Tuesday. At a City Council hearing exploring the approval process two companies took before the installation of the antennas, representatives from the city’s Public Improvement Commission testified that while all legal standards were met for the devices’ placement, only one neighborhood organization in Back Bay was consulted prior to installation.
“I think city government failed in general on a number of levels. PIC is part of it,” Yancey told the Reporter after the hearing.
“You heard from the head of neighborhood services. They were totally out of the process and it would have been natural for them to have worked with the PIC to identify at least some key organizations,” with knowledge and interest in the neighborhoods,” Yancey said.
Jun. 11, 2009
City Councillor Charles Yancey offered a strong condemnation of the lack of public process involved in the placement of cell phone antennas around the neighborhoods on Tuesday. At a City Council hearing exploring the approval process two companies took before the installation of the antennas, representatives from the city’s Public Improvement Commission testified that while all legal standards were met for the devices’ placement, only one neighborhood organization in Back Bay was consulted prior to installation.
“I think city government failed in general on a number of levels. PIC is part of it,” Yancey told the Reporter after the hearing.
“You heard from the head of neighborhood services. They were totally out of the process and it would have been natural for them to have worked with the PIC to identify at least some key organizations,” with knowledge and interest in the neighborhoods,” Yancey said.
rudkla - 11. Jun, 19:29